德国直邮智高chicco living smart儿童推车婴儿车提篮睡蓝三件套-chicco/智高 -母婴/汽车/配件/改装/摩托/自行车

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德国直邮智高chicco living smart儿童推车婴儿车提篮睡蓝三件套

德国直邮智高chicco living smart儿童推车婴儿车提篮睡蓝三件套

商品名称:德国直邮智高chicco living smart儿童推车婴儿车提篮睡蓝三件套



店铺名称: 吉祥宝贝之家-德国儿童安全座椅、德国婴儿奶粉

旺旺: geomann


行业: 母婴/汽车/配件/改装/摩托/自行车

地址: 海外




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 最方便的 旅行套装,超方便的折叠机制,睡蓝可在车上安装使用,方便灵活轻便,推车双向坐,均可调节睡姿 5级调节可平躺。 安全提篮带汽车安装底座,德国ADAC测评成绩优。

\ 套装包括:\
\ 推车、睡蓝、提篮、提篮汽车安装底座、遮雨棚、购物筐、尿布包、暖脚袋、新生儿提篮座垫\
\  living smart\
\  \
\  living smart配有4种配置和广泛的配件,让您按照您的孩子的成长的各个阶段,从他出生一直到3岁,向他保证以最大的舒适性在任何情况下,你用一个惊人的敏捷性推车。\
\  \
\  living smart:城镇周围移动从未如此简单。 \
\  \
\ 三重奏发现生活智慧! \
\  \
\  \
\  \
\ 什么是大小和婴儿车的重量,汽车座椅和便携式婴儿床? \
\ 推车: \
\ 打开:厘米93x55x105 \
\ 折叠:厘米41/46x34x96 \
\ 重量:10.4公斤 \
\ 婴儿床: \
\ 外形尺寸:89x45x65厘米 \
\ 重量:4.9公斤 \
\ 自动快速安装汽车座椅: \
\ 外形尺寸:67x44x61厘米 \
\ 重量:6.8公斤含底座\
\ 4.6千克不含底座 \
\  \
\ 我可以洗 living smart面料? \
\ 是的,所有的 living smart面料成分是可拆卸和水洗的。对于洗涤我们建议您遵循附着在产品上的洗涤说明。 \
\ Λ向上 \
\  \
\ 我在哪里可以得到说明书的副本? \
\ 童车 \
\ Carrycoat \
\ 自动快速修复汽车座椅 \
\ Λ向上 \
\  \
\ 我多久可以使用生活智能婴儿车? \
\ 从0到3岁。 \
\ Λ向上 \
\  \
\ 有什么好处和机会,把婴儿车的座位吗? \
\ *最近的研究表明,婴儿车座的方向会影响父母和孩子之间的互动水平。在最初的几个月里,它是必不可少的孩子与家长互动。与父面向模式下,宝宝保持与家长有直接的情感关系。这促进宝宝的智力发育。孩子大了后,要认识新的世界,转动童车在前置模式,他将有机会看到他周围的一切。 \
\  \
\ *由M.苏珊娜Zeedyk博士研究管理,“什么是生活中像马车:?的马车取向对父母与婴儿的互动和婴儿应激的影响”,十一月212008 \
\ Λ向上 \
\  \
\ 我该如何保养和维护的智能生活童车? \
\ 如果有必要,你应该润滑的运动件与干性硅油。我们建议定期检查车轮的磨损,并保持其清洁灰尘和沙子。这也有助于确保所有的塑料部件上滑动的金属管是干净的, 无灰尘,污垢和沙子,以避免摩擦,可能会破坏婴儿车的正常运作。我们建议还保持在干燥的地方童车。 \
\ Λ向上 \
\  \
\ 我可以用生活智能婴儿床运输宝宝在车里? \
\ 便携式婴儿床可以使用在汽车上。 \
\ Λ向上 \
\  \
\ 什么是使用便携式婴儿床的最佳时机? \
\ 便携式婴儿床是最合适的方式来进行一个初生的婴儿,因为它可以让宝宝保持水平位置,这是很好的头几个月。通常,便携式婴儿床可以从0至6个月可以使用,这取决于婴儿的生长。\

Trio Living Smart


Trio Living Smart is the new modular system by Chicco, ideal to provide wellness to children and practicality to parents.
\ Trio Living Smart is equipped with 4 configurations and a wide range of accessories that allow you to follow all stages of growth of your child, from his birth right up to 3 years of age, assuring him with the utmost comfort in every situation and you with an amazing agility in its push.
\ Trio Living Smart: moving around town has never been easier.
\ Discover Trio Living Smart!




What are the sizes and the weights of the stroller, the car seat and the carrycot?
\Open: cm 93x55x105
\Closed: cm 41/46x34x96
\Weight: 10.4 kg
\Dimensions: cm 89x45x65
\Weight: 4,9 kg
\Auto-Fix Fast Car seat:
\Dimensions: cm 67x44x61
\Weight: 6.8 kg con base
\4.6 kg without base


Can I wash the Trio Living Smart fabric components?
\Yes, all the Trio Living Smart fabric components are removable and hand washable in cold water. For washing we recommend that you follow the washing instructions attached to the product.
\Λ Up


Where can I get a copy of the instruction manual?
\Auto-Fix Fast Car seat
\Λ Up


How long can I use the Living Smart stroller?
\The stroller Living Smart can be used from 0 up to 3 years old.
\Λ Up


What are the benefits and the opportunity to turn the stroller seat?
\*Recent Studies showed that the direction of the stroller seat influences the interaction level between parent and child. During the first few months, it is essential for the child to interact with the parent. With the parent-facing mode, the baby maintains a direct emotional relationship with the parent. This promotes the baby’s intellectual development. The child, getting bigger, will want to discover the world; turning the stroller in front-facing mode he will have the opportunity to see everything around him.
\*Research managed by Dr. M. Suzanne Zeedyk, "What's life in a buggy like?: The impact of buggy orientation on parent-infant interaction and infant stress.", November, 21st 2008.
\Λ Up


How do I care for and maintain the Living Smart stroller?
\If necessary, you should lubricate the moving parts with dry silicone oil. We recommend checking periodically the wheel wear and to keep them clean from dust and sand. It is also helpful to make sure that all the plastic parts that slide on the metal tubes are clean from dust, dirt and sand, to avoid friction that may undermine the proper functioning of the stroller. We recommend also keeping the stroller in a dry place.
\Λ Up


Can I use the Living Smart Carrycot to transport the baby in the car?
\Yes, using the kit Trio Car 2013, sold separately (code 00 079809 000 000), the carrycot can also be used from newborn to transport the baby in the car.
\Λ Up


What is the best time to use the carrycot?
\The Carrycot is the most suitable way to carry a newborn baby because it allows the baby to maintain a horizontal position, which is good for the first few months. Generally, the Carrycot can be used from 0 up to 6 months, depending on the baby’s growth.
\Λ Up


What car seat benefits came from the new Insert Cushion?
\The new Auto-Fix Fast Insert Cushion is clinically tested. Thanks to its ergonomic shape, it allows the baby to maintain perfect head and back posture. Moreover, the particular shape of the head area helps to prevent "flat head syndrome", which can damage babies who sleep too long on hard surfaces.
\Λ Up


Why should car seats for small children (Group 0 +) be installed in a car in the opposite direction to travel?
\Babies have weak muscle tone. In the event of a car accident, if a baby is travelling in the opposite direction to travel, the spine position and the neck are less stressed than if a baby is travelling in the same direction as the car.
\Λ Up


When should I replace the seat?
\The car seat is suitable for children from 0 up to 13 kg. It should be replaced:
\- When the baby's head emerges from the top of the seat edge,
\- If the seat has suffered a knock (for example after an accident, even if the baby was not on board).
\Λ Up


Can I use the seat with the airbag on?
\The only limitation concerns the Group 0 + seat, which Auto Fast Fix is part of. If the air bag cannot be disabled, it is not possible to install these kinds of seats. There are no restrictions with the side airbags.
\Λ Up





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