美国代购 Avah Naturals and 5%烟酰胺美白精华 保湿祛斑美白祛黄-other/其他 -美容护理/美容护肤/美体/精油

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美国代购 Avah Naturals and 5%烟酰胺美白精华 保湿祛斑美白祛黄

美国代购 Avah Naturals and 5%烟酰胺美白精华 保湿祛斑美白祛黄

商品名称:美国代购 Avah Naturals and 5%烟酰胺美白精华 保湿祛斑美白祛黄



店铺名称: LRH专业祛痘祛斑专家

旺旺: vitasaks


行业: 美容护理/美容护肤/美体/精油



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  • \ ROSEMARY & HYALURONIC ACID - Rosemary is Anti Inflamatory, reduces swelling and puffiness of the skin, helps to heal and soothe. Inflammation causes so much harm to the skin, acne, drying, aging, fine lines wrinkles, blotchy skin,uneven skin tone. HYALURONIC ACID - Fountain of youth, promotes tissue healing. Plumps and moisturizes the skin with the most powerful hydrating properties. Naturally fills in fine lines and wrinkles. Smooths and soothes the skin to protect thee delicate tissue. Hyaluronic Acid is used in the highest quality products. Your body produces it naturally and adding it to the outer layers enhances a beautiful mositurized skin.\
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